WE provide multidisciplinary project management services to project owners, contractors / sub-contractors, government agencies, architects, engineers, banks & financial institutions, and insurance companies for the construction projects, in oil & gas, roads & highways and bridge, buildings and other infrastructure projects regardless of size, scope or complexity, from conception through project closeout.

Our active project management services consist of the following areas:

  • Project Planning and DPR
  • Project Management
  • Construction Management
  • Project Control
  • Project Risk Management
  • Contracts Management
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution [ADR] Assistance
  • Quality Audits
  • Valuations


It starts with conceptual planning, setting up scope and assessing the viability, budget, schedule and the resource requirements, the process implementation that includes tendering, negotiations and award, and then ongoing project evaluations, it requires a thoughtful planning at every stage of the project to succeed.

Our team of experts can assist the clients at every stage planning and development of the project management systems including budget, contracts, plans and schedules. As a part of project’s planning for our clients, we do prepare Detailed Project Reports (DPR) to capture initial SI, conceptual design and a roughly estimated cost. Also, depending up the client’s strategy, Front End Engineering Design (FEED) that covers basic engineering, and conducted after completion of conceptual design or the feasibility study, is carried out by us.

Our works include gauging risks and developing mitigation strategies that helps in saving time and money for every stakeholder – whether owner, program/project manager, contractor/sub-contractor, architect or construction manager, and we are equipped to supplement your team’s expertise and insight to ensure your project’s success on all fronts.


The projects’ complex challenges require timely mobilization of resources, building of a right team and effective team integration. Identification of issues, strategizing, planning and resolving the issues through established procedures and processed is must for yielding a successful project delivery, and our leaders have proven ability and expertise to do it right from the start.

WE focus on – needs of our client, establishing priorities and coordinating activities and its stakeholders to ensure that the projects are delivered safely, on time, and within budget.


Get into every detail provided…
In order to ensure a successful delivery of the project, members of any construction team need to understand what exactly they’re doing, why they are doing it and what is the next step forward? Our experienced construction team members ensure that the full attention is given to the details provided; works are executed with established procedures; and quality and safety standards are maintained at works.

WE also assist our clients in achieving cost-effective solutions, in facilitating and coordinating the construction process to mitigate complex problems met at any time from the initial concept to project closeout.

The construction management teams are developed based on each client’s specific needs and project requirements by providing effective project leadership.


In order to successfully complete any project, its proper planning, sound execution strategies and systematic implementation of the project’s planning, strategies and procedures is must. A continuous monitoring program is implemented through project control processes to check whether the work is proceeding according to plans, and appropriate project control methods remedies are used to ensure planned execution of the project.

Project’s complexity, organization maturity, team’s experience, costs and overall budget, time, project importance, and may be some other factors determine the level of monitoring and control needed to achieve the objectives.

Our project control engineers/managers have extensive experience in advanced schedule management programs (e.g., Primavera, MS Projects, TILOS) and carryout resource loading to develop a project specific resource based time and cost monitoring system.

We can provide a full (or in part) Project Control Services that includes initial planning, detailed planning, and development of project control and monitoring procedures, overall budget and cost control methods.


Foresight reduces risks of setbacks, and we provide that foresight by identifying and analyzing potential risks that may occur, at any time throughout the project processes. Our highly skilled and experienced construction management team performs risk assessments on construction projects to assist our clients in preventing and mitigating potential risks that may otherwise become reality and result in delays and disruptions, and sometime it may turn into a knockout blow. In other cases, a combination of risks, even when no individual risk would have been fatal, may sink the project or even the construction company or the owner altogether.

As the complexity of projects changes, the magnitude of risk involved for owners, contractors, architects, and engineers increases the possibility of negative impacts and damages on projects. We recognize this potential and our construction risk management people adapt the process of – Identification, Analysis, and Control.

Also, we can carryout constructability review and recommend pre-project risk assessment as well.


We have qualified managers to understand and deal with contractual matters arising out of various standard forms of contracts such as FIDIC, JCT, NEC, ICC and also the modified versions (or own contracts) of different project owner. In-depth knowledge of contracts combined with wealth of experience in managing multi-disciplined construction projects, helps us in identifying, analyzing, preparing, and managing the contractual disputes on construction and engineering projects.

We can develop a wide variety of customized contracts, including contracts for design professional services, design-build, fixed-price construction, job order contracting, construction management, and project management to meet our client’s requirement.


WHEN construction disputes and/or delays occur, parties to Contract realise that a great deal is at stake. Contractor may loose heavily due to delays i.e., in terms of idling / running costs of construction resources and establishments during the extended period and also Contractor faces a risk of loosing huge amount, mostly up to 10% of the Contract Value, as Liquidity Damages imposed by Client to recover their losses due to the delays. Therefore, both parties need to protect their interest, and seriously from the beginning of the project.

Interestingly, potential claims and proactive claims management begin with bidding stage itself, i.e., through the queries of bidders and response/clarifications issued by the Clients, and the process continues through the change directives and correspondences during execution until project is completed.

Our team can assist the Clients/Contractors throughout the process right from tendering till handing/taking over of the project, and it is done by analyzing Contract documents, Contract Vs actual schedule, change directives, requests for information and pertinent correspondences. Identification of the key issues and determination of most appropriate interpretation of the Contract is required in a timely manner to deal with situation and arrive at early resolutions. Involvement of our experts can make a significant difference in the outcome.

If working on Client’s side, we can provide unparalleled guidance in avoiding, mitigating, and resolving construction claims of the Contractor(s). We assist clients in assessing and/or validating entitlement and quantification of damages to arrive at a successful resolution in an efficient and timely manner.

Whereas, if on Contractor’s side, our team provides ongoing support in assessing party’s entitlement and quantification of damages, logical supports and preparation of the claims, contractual and commercial negotiations with client to arrive at a successful resolution in an efficient and timely manner.


Our claims resolution experts and associates are well versed in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes such as arbitration, adjudication, mediation, third-party neutral, dispute review boards, negotiations, etc. that helps in resolving the majority of disputes and claims.