We provide design-engineering services through all stages of the developments, right from initial feasibility studies and preparation DPR to a successfully executable detailed design as per local codes and standards in the field of

  • General Civil
  • Building & Structural Installations
  • Bridges
  • Traffic & Transport Assessments and Planning
  • Road and Highway
  • As Built for the Cross Country Pipelines


We have a high level of competence in the field of General Civil Engineering, and we are able to undertake a wide range of projects such as

  • Land and housing developments (including master layout planning)
  • Internal roads and drains
  • Deep excavation, earthmoving and soil stabilization
  • Irrigation and storm water drainage
  • Sewerage and sewage treatment
  • Water resources

We either act directly on behalf of Owners/Clients, or in association with members of others such as planners, architects and landscape consultants, as deemed necessary. Our team members are accustomed to working in multi-discipline and multi-cultural teams.

Our experienced staff can handle all stages of a project through initial feasibility, estimates of construction cost, DPR, detailed engineering design, preparation of contract documents and supervision and certification of constructed works.

We have the advantage of having our own SI and Survey facilities associated with the firm, and this available added support serves for all geotechnical and layout aspects to be covered for the structural design of buildings, bridges and other civil engineering works.

We take care to put values into the structures that we engineer for our clients.


Our services in the field of structural engineering are mainly associated with building design in which the structural engineer contributes his own skills working closely with other professional consultants (eg, architects, electrical, mechanical and general civil design engineers) as part of a design team. The firm provides through composite team a sustainable environment, whether it is in initial planning studies, overall design or the supervision of the construction works.

Our design services are available for

  • Residential buildings/towers and societies;
  • Commercial and community buildings (eg, multi-storey offices, hotels, shopping complexes/malls, cinema/theaters/auditoriums/stadiums, multi-storey/basement car parks, hospitals, schools/colleges/university);
  • Industrial buildings and structures (eg, telecommunication towers, power transmission structures, factories and warehouses, pharmaceutical facilities, system control buildings, oil and gas facilities such as block valve stations and scrapper stations)

We are also in the process of developing skills in facade engineering that includes the design of new facades, facade review and diagnostic of new buildings in design phase, and also the façade remedial and renewal of existing buildings with the help interior architects.

We can also get the Seismic retrofitting design done and supervise the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes.

Combined with our general civil, mechanical and electrical engineers, we can offer a complete multi disciplinary solution designed and developed as per local codes / standards and regulatory authorities, for any building project including:

  • Solar water heater System;
  • Solar power backup system;
  • Air-conditioning, only cooling or full HVAC systems;
  • Mechanical ventilation systems;
  • Central vacuum systems;
  • Fire protection systems;
  • Sanitary and waste water systems;
  • Lifts and escalators systems;
  • Telephony systems;
  • Audio visual systems;
  • Domestic water systems;
  • Liquefied petroleum/natural gas systems;
  • Electrical systems;
  • Security systems;
  • Car park access and revenue control systems;

Further, in association with architectural firms ie, as our contractor, JV partners or client (depending up Owner / Developer’s preference and/or job requirement), we can provide a comprehensive solution from conception till completion of the project.


We have a high level of competence in the design of bridges. These include road and railway bridges across rivers and highways. Our engineers are capable of undertaking all stages of a bridge project from feasibility, cost estimation, DPR (combined with our own SI and Survey teams), and through the detailed design engineering, preparation of contract documents and supervision of construction.

Our capabilities include design of bridges in both concrete and steel for various construction methods. These include segmental pre-stressed box girders constructed by the balanced cantilever method; elegant cast-in-situ post tensioned shallow beam bridge structures as well as more common pre-stressed precast beam girders.


A Traffic and Transport Assessment is a comprehensive review of all the potential transport impacts of a proposed development or re-development, with an agreed plan to mitigate any adverse consequences. Our Traffic & Transport services include the following:

  • General Non-Technical Assessment
  • Existing Conditions – Current traffic, critical links and junctions, committed transport proposals in area, other surrounding proposed development.
  • Proposed Development – Size and use.
  • Person Trip Generation – identifying the total person trips by all modes by peak and variation over days of week.
  • Traffic Forecasting – methodology used, reason for the determination of growth rates applied
  • Modal Split – allocating the persons trips to the modes of travel using an evidence based approach
  • Trip Distribution – Catchment area, transfer trips, pass-by trips, combined trips.
  • Trip Assignment – Turning movements at site entrance and at critical junctions in area.
  • Assessment – Analytical assessment of the impact of the development proposals on the transport network should be presented.
  • Road Impact – Analysis of junction capacity, including queue lengths and reserve capacity at base year, year of opening, year of opening plus 5 years and year of opening plus 15 years. Alternative designs for critical junctions should be detailed where necessary.
  • Cumulative Impacts – Analysis of all committed developments in the area.
  • Road Safety – Historical data, effect of development. Road Safety Impact Assessment and Road safety audit may be required for any proposed changes to the road layout in some circumstances.
  • Environmental Impact – Including measures to mitigate impact.
  • Internal Layout – Circulation, pedestrian routes, visibility and road width, traffic management and speed control measures.
  • Parking – Numbers, special needs percentage, layout, and service areas.
  • Public Transport – Provision, access from site.
  • Pedestrians / Cyclists – Accessing the site, routes through the site and cycle parking.
  • Accessibility and Integration – Access to local area, community severance.
  • Access for People with Disabilities – Any specific provisions.
  • Mitigation – Range of solutions to reducing transport impact of the proposal.


We are able to provide services through all stages of the development planning processes, from initial feasibility studies and preparation DPR to a successful planning, the discharge of planning conditions and detailed highway design as per local codes and standards. The scope include

  • Detailed Project Report [DPR]
  • Detailed design of Roads and Highways
  • Junction / Intersection / Roundabout Design
  • Flyover and Elevated Highway
  • Site Supervision and Quality checks
  • Road Safety Audits